Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Good Vibes c/o Starbucks

Today's Good Vibes (GV) is brought to moi by Starbucks.


Mornings in the office are usually quiet. But today, I just got back from 2 sick days... and got some weird office news. So tackling these things without coffee is a pretty bad idea. Went out for a coffee run and was pleasantly surprised how perky everyone was in the coffee shop. A lot of "good mornings", "we miss you!", and a lot of "thank yous" were said. No amount of negative vibes could survive that!

How do you know if your barista misses you? When she writes "nice to see you :)" on your cup.

I've been an absentee customer for weeks because I have been brewing my own coffee in the office and I've also bought tons of VIA - this is why I also have enough stars to get a free VIA.

Happy people + free beans = happy me!

I hope your day ends up as happy as mine!

What you can buy for $6.5 Million

"Phantom" by Peter Lik 
Photo from source:

Your $6.5 Million can buy you this photo. Yep, you read that right. 
This photo is worth big bucks. 
I won't try to act like a pretentious jerk and tell you that I get the pic. Because I don't. But I do think that it is a pretty picture, and it should be worth some amount of money - just not along the lines of millions of dollars.

I also think that this is more worth the money than Rhein II.

"Rhein II" by Andreas Gursky
Photo from source:

Do you think these photos are worth the money?